Find a Men’s Group

A ManKind Project men’s group meeting is a safe and confidential place to be yourself, talk about your life, get support, and have some fun.  We’ve got a spot for you. 

We call our men’s groups Integration Groups (I-Groups).

We are mentors for one another.  We make powerful bonds between men, whether we like each other or not. We cut through the B.S. that we’ve been taught about what it is to be a “real man.” We find and live our self-made mission with integrity and accountability.

A men’s group teaches you to:

  • Set and achieve goals
  • Communicate clearly and powerfully
  • Develop meaningful relationships
  • Overcome past trauma and difficulties
  • Build brotherhood
  • Tell your truth with compassion
  • Understand and manage your emotions

Open Men’s Groups

All men are welcome. 

Want to learn more? Need help? Talk to a man about our Men’s Groups: 778-887-7446

Brothers of the Starry Night Men’s Circle Nanaimo

ONLINE. Every Monday at 7pm.

To attend, contact

Dark Horse Men's Group

Dark Horse Men’s Group Greater Vancouver

ONLINE. Tuesday Evenings. 6:30pm – 9:30pm Pacific
IN-PERSON. Wednesday Evenings. 6:30pm – 9:30pm New Westminster

To attend get a ticket on EventBrite. For more info, call 778-887-7446.

Visit our webpage!

Heart & Soul Men’s Group

IN-PERSON. Thursdays 6:30pm
Campbell River
To join or learn more, contact Don

King’s of Heart I-Group Comox Valley

IN-PERSON. First Tuesday of every second month. 7pm.
To join or learn more, contact:

Men at Work – Powell River

IN-PERSON. Wednesday Evenings 6:30pm 
To attend contact:
Micheal Essex

Nelson Men’s Group

IN-PERSON. Wednesday 7pm
To join or learn more, contact:
Ganesh Sanjivi

North Okanagan Men’s Group Vernon

IN-PERSON. Thursday Evenings 6:30pm – 8:45pm
2201 53rd Ave Vernon – Building 43
Fee $5.00
Flag of Prince George BC

Prince George Circle of Men 

IN PERSON. Every Monday Evening 6:45pm to 8:45pm

Omineca Arts Centre 369 Victoria Street.

To attend, contact

The Cowichan Hub Center Of The Universe

IN-PERSON. Every Wednesday, 7pm – 9:30pm 
416 Jubilee St., Duncan, BC
To attend contact Steven Disher   250-920-6712